Hamad Baloch Rakshani
3 min readMay 23, 2017


HTML5 CSS3 and Javascript — The Three Musketeers

source: Planet Source

If you ever noticed, facebook has the simplest structure from a web design perspective. It has no fancy styling or color scheme. It is the most basic of designs. I came to learn about this a few weeks back, and it surprised me — both in good way and bad. Why no one has ever thought of this? But, it do justifies the simplicity is the beauty objective.

Well, that was the fun-fact for you. But coming to the topic, HTML has come a long way. Long gone the days, when websites used to look like analysis report of some corporate companies. All one could imagine was people in black suits sitting with cigars in their hands and laughing on end-users for visiting their website (Do not worry, I am not any left-winger). But, it is true. I mean imagine how happy your hippie parents must have been when they saw Steve Jobs showing middle finger to IBM.

We have feared those suited guys and Steve Jobs was our Captain Planet, who came to rescue us. 80’s changed the world. Those science fiction movies, and George Orwell’s 1984’s film adaptation. It was really a hopeful decade for people, the digital revolution.

The same thing emerged again in 21^st century, when HTML5, and CSS3 released. People, again, were hopeful they can bring change from their house. Now you can have the sexiest website for your petrol pump store (Yes I do sound like an Indian immigrant in El Paso, Texas). Well, jokes aside. But let’s agree, computers have given freedom to ordinary people. All one needs is persistence, and love for what they want to do.

Javascript is the most powerful scripting language, it can accomplish almost anything you visualize. Websites are no more boring corporate informative pages of companies. They are the fun and interactive applications. The Jedi Tim Berners-Lee’s vision has reached to its fullest potential. And this became possible because of the discovery of the third musketeer, the javascript. HTML and CSS upgraded to HTML5 and CSS3 for the core reason of making integration of Javascript easier.

If you know even the basics, you can pay for your bills. I wouldn’t be wrong if I label HTML5, CSS3, and javascript as the saviors of millennials. Let’s imagine we are a bunch of villagers, hoping for a revolution to hit us and save us from boredom. All of a sudden, one day these three musketeers; HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript arrive (Yup, this was for the soul purpose of SEO word Density). But still, you can imagine them fighting the boring websites, and giving every website they touch, a makeover.

Well, that is all for today, I hope you guys have learnt a thing or two about the power of HTML5, CSS3 and javascript. The reason I didn’t make this technical because everyone should understand what these Trimurti(s) / Three Musketeers can achieve. Games, Analysis charts, CVs, interactive apps, and what not.




Hamad Baloch Rakshani

Leads a pack of engineers 🐺 | Legend | Recently dabbled in Management and DevOps 💻 | Movie junkie & 2-books-a-year nerd.