A Developer among Designers

Hamad Baloch Rakshani
2 min readMay 27, 2017
Source : Pinterest

It began in March of 2017, I got a call from one of Pakistan’s Top-notch Printing and Branding company . With my recent graduate attitude, picturing myself as Steve Jobs. I proceeded towards the reception, and was told to wait until CEO calls. As I was waiting, I began making up discussions that would occur in the office. But, soon it was interrupted when the receptionist directed me towards the office.

Things went great, better than what I was thinking for the worst-case scenario. It went what I had in my for best-case scenario. Without going too much in the details, I was hired as the web developer.


Here’s where the best part comes along. I was introduced to the people around the office, and the printing machines that were running in the basement factory. Gigantic Printing Press, color managements, Foiling, lamination, drop-off and what not. And I was told, to know such stuff. Since, I am a part of it now. My desk was setup, to the in creative team’s office. Nice people, Designers, Creative Head, and a skinny tall guy — whom I instantly knew belongs to the Dark Side (I.T.), since I am an I.T. guy myself (If generalizing still okay). Things were okay in the start, however, as time passed I realized, I am not only polishing my developing skills but also gaining a designer’s thought process as well. And at few instances I also got the chance to learn about color management. The perks were getting bigger. It has been around 3 months, and I still feel I am a newbie. There’s still a lot to learn. And what I gathered from these past months, we all should learn how to connect the dots.

It is important for a Developer to have an essence of design. Since, in the end all that matters, is how your user / customer feels about the product.

Thanks for the time. CIAO!



Hamad Baloch Rakshani

Leads a pack of engineers 🐺 | Legend | Recently dabbled in Management and DevOps 💻 | Movie junkie & 2-books-a-year nerd.